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Friday, November 16, 2007

Green Day--International Superhits Tabs

Green Day takes the title International Superhits literally, offering a no-surprises compilation of all the songs that made a big dent on commercial radio. From the pop-punk heroes' breakthrough album Dookie ("Longview," "Welcome to Paradise") through Insomniac ("Brain Stew"), Nimrod ("Good Riddance [Time of Your Life]"), and Warning ("Minority"), if a record produced a hit, that song is on this album. There are only two new tracks on the Superhits (both recorded a couple of months before the album's release)--the spazzed out rock & roll singalong "Maria" and the puppy-dog love of "Poprocks & Coke." Because International Superhits doesn't pull from Green Day's early EPs and Lookout albums or offer any live variations, though, this album is really only one for the serious-minded collectors who don't want to skip past a single Green Day release.

Contains full tablature/transcriptions for the following songs:

*Basket Case
*Brain Stew
*Geek Stink Breath
*Good Riddance (The Time of Your Life)
*Hitchin' A Ride
*J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva)
*Macy's Day Parade
*Nice Guys Finish Last
*Poprocks & Coke
*Stuck With Me
*Walking Contradiction
*Welcome To Paradise
*When I Come Around


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