The sole purpose of this blog is to get all the links to guitar lessons,guitar tabs,books,albums,instructional videos etc. at the same place...u'll find stuff from legends like satriani,vai,malmsteen,petrucci,jason becker,michael angelo and many more...feel free to search my blog to find stuff of your interest...KEEP ROCKING!!
I was thinking of uploading this but hey..why take the pain when it's already on youtube ;-)
Paul Gilbert presents his interpretation of his favourite pieces from the great classical masters; Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi etc, discover where those classic rock licks originated.
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The genius shares his wisdom about modes and their usage and expressions in music. Try to know the basics of modes to understand what he is talking about. It's good to know what's Ionian, Dorian etc. but it's more important to know the "feel" or emotion each mode associtates with itself. Worth watching anything by Satch.
You can download this youtube video by using Vdownloader.
TweetJust check out this kid playing Stevie Ray Vaughan's Texas Flood..i guess he is just around 12 years old!!!!
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