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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

REPOST-- Richie Kotzen - Rock Chops (2000)

English | DVD-Rip | WMV | WMV2 @ 1.7 Mbit/s | 640x480 | WMA Stereo @ 64 Kbit/s 44 KHz | 705 MB

Richie Kotzen of Poison shows you hi-tech rock techniques such as: shapes and sequences for melodic legato playing, inventive ways to combine string skipping and right-hand tapping to create mind-boggling sounds, plus scales, sweeping techniques and more! With up-close camera shots and a booklet in music and tab.

Richie Kotzen of Poison shows you hi-tech rock techniques such as: shapes and sequences for melodic legato playing, inventive ways to combine string skipping and right-hand tapping to create mind-boggling sounds, plus scales, sweeping techniques and more! With up-close camera shots and a booklet in music and tab. (60 min.)

OR Kotze - Rock Chops 2000 DVD-Rip.part1.rar Kotze - Rock Chops 2000 DVD-Rip.part2.rar

Understanding Guitar Headline Animator

Understanding Guitar